
我最近寫信到dragon force官網的email 說他們來台灣的表演很fucking great
並標明自己的名字是KAT 之後就收到吉他手sam的email:
他們記性真好 在台灣喝了那麼多酒 還是沒有忘記樂迷

Sam Totman
寄給 我

10:21 (3½ 小時以前)
hi!! yeah of course i re-mem beerrrrr yoouuuuuuuu! (i was trying to sing skid row song hahah) i had to wash it off cos it looked a bit silly going through the airport with pen all over my arm! well im glad you liked our concert , we didnt really expect it to be any people in taiwan cos we never been before and stuff., and when we watch the first band and everyone was sitting down we were thinkin..,, wow this is going to be very strange. but then when we play we were realy surprise cos eveyone go crazy the same as everywhere else, and actualy it was one of our favourite shows! ., thats cool you play guitar too, its not often to meet chicks who play., and especialy not one as pretty as you hahah! well hopefully we meeet again sometime somewhere! im sure we come to taiwan again but probably not for at least a year., so let us know if you ever come to england for holiday or somehting and we meet you there! ok talk to you another., time.. your photos are cool too! bye for now!

    創作者 jasonbecker7 的頭像

    I Want Out

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